perm filename TEMP[RLL,DBL] blob sn#739913 filedate 1984-01-25 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Dr Michael Smith,

This package include the (outdated) RLL documents you requested,
augmented with miscellaneous MRS documents, for reasons which will 
be clear later.  Providing the actual RLL code is a bit more difficult.

Some background: About two years ago, in the interest of graduating, my time
and energy shifted from playing RLL czar to working on a thesis. 
Others, including Dr William Mann and some of his coworkers at USC/ISI,
continued to develop and augment RLL.  For that reason the most up-to-date 
version had been at USC-ISIB, on the <MANCOM.RLL> directory.  
Unfortunately there is no guarantee that that system is working;
the ISI liason/principle-updater left the project rather abruptly 
(for personal reasons) in the middle of a bundle of alterations.  
While the "abondoned" code has been retrieved from its earlier archived status,
and is available, it has been untested.
Let me know if you want access to that questionable code.

I am personally coding in MRS these days, and eventually hope to bring up
(all and only) RLL's good features within that system.  As the documents
show, the two systems are fairly similar in theme and capabilities; the
major differences (wrt me) lying in the facts that someone else is
responsible for its adminstrative and technical support, promotion, etc.;
and that MRS, having a larger "constituency", will probably be maintained
(if not for perpetuity at least for a while).

However, if all of this doesn't dissuade you, do give me a call at (415)
497-1863, and I'll try to help ("... to bring up an implementation", not
"... to further discourage you").

			    Russell Greiner
			    Margaret Jacks Hall
			    Computer Science Department
			    Stanford University
			    Stanford, CA 94305-2085